The Boonville Ledger - Feb
1853 - March 1855 The Boonville Ledger
THOMAS, David – died Thursday
in Steuben, age 18 years, son of William Thomas
Steuben, hurt by logs on Thursday &
lived an hour (BL 23 Dec 1854)
THOMAS, Evan P. – m. Miss Anna
Shepard, both of Alder Creek, in Remsen, 13th
inst., by Rev. Mr. Redhead (BL 21 Oct
THOMPSON, Edmond W. – m. Miss
Sarah F. Root, only daug of Charles Root, esq,
both of West Turin, in West Turin, 7th
inst., by Rev. E.S. Barnes (BL 10 Feb
THORNTON, Eli – of Leyden, in
Miss Jane Wetmore, of Boonville, in this town, 8th
inst., by Rev. E.S. Barnes (BL 12 Feb
THRASHER, Thomas Rev. – died
Trenton, at sonRl7;s, on 6th inst., age 82
former resident of Eastern States,
Methodist (BL 19 mar 1853)
THRASHER, Rev. Mr. – Obit
should have read “Francis Thrasher”,
age 86 (BL 26 Mar 1853)
TOPPING, Harriet Miss – m.
John E. Andrus, in Leyden, 12th inst., by Rev. R.
Sawyer (BL 23 Sept 1854)
TRAFFARN, Savillion – of Alder
Creek, m. Miss Mary Fox, of Osceola, at the Eagle
Hotel, 2nd inst., by Rev. E.S. Barnes
(BL 8 Oct 1853)
TRAFFORN, Charlotte Rl1; died
Alder Creek, 27th inst., age about 23 years, wife of
Leander Trafforn (BL 5 Mar 1853)
TREAT, Emeline O. – died this
village on 20th inst., age 37 years, wife of Hiram
F. Treat, esq, daug of Mr. Charles
Tuell, of this town (BL 29 July 1854)
TYLER, Lovina M. Miss – of
Leyden, m. Daniel P. Rankins, of Little Falls, in
Leyden, 3rd inst., by Rev. A.M. Smith of
Boonville (BL 5 Nov 1853)
UTLEY, C.B. – of Delta, m.
Miss Elizabeth H. Cornish, of Lee Centre, in Lee
Centre, Nov. 16th by Rev. Mr. Pritchett
(BL 19 Nov 1853)
VANDERWATERS, Daniel – m. Miss
Lucy Phelps, daug of the late Dr. Dyer Phelps
both of ___ville, Canada West, Advocate
at Hamilton, GW (BL 10 Dec 1853) (Parts
cut off)
VAN WORMER, John – shot &
killed by brother, William, Thursday of last week in
Milford, Otsego County (BL 19 Aug 1853)
WARD, Huldah – died West
Turin, 17th inst., age 75 years, wife of Ithamer Ward,
mother of Emory & William Allen,
daug of Moses Hall of Meriden, CT. b. Meriden,
CT Jan 6, 1779, married 1799 –
Ebenezer Allen & moved to this wilderness, her
husband died in 1829, 1 child died, 6
children, married 2nd Ithamer Ward,
Organizer of Baptist Church (Big write
up) (BL 26 Aug 1854)
WEAVER, John – died Wilna,
near Natural Bridge, 1st inst., no age (BL 5 Aug
WEBSTER, Mrs. ___- the wife of the late
Prof. Webster of Boston died in Boston
on 10th inst., “his crime cast
a gloom over her” (BL 22 Oct 1853)